viernes, 15 de abril de 2011


   Well as Ryan knows I met a beautiful girl on a video chat club ( Thanks Felipe for the link )..... and hes always bothering me haha... well when I talk to her is hard for me get all the sentences haha so we use just to chat !!!
   They don´t  use the final "R" example WATER -- WATE(/r/)
   In the video she´s singing .. and she didn´t pronunce as the original video ...( hey soul sister)
   There are many differences in both vocabulary and spelling. For example, the U.S.writes "aluminum" armor "and"defence "and in the UK would be written" aluminium"armour"and "defense. " In the words with the suffix "ize / ise" (civilized / civilis) with z as the U.S. while the s is the UK.

british pronunciation


hahahaha Ryan i know that you are going to laugh and think that its tiring hahahaha xD but it doesn´t matter !!!!

viernes, 8 de abril de 2011

Laugh and the world laughs with you, cry and you cry alone!!! PROVERB

    Well , I think that when we have good times,moments all our "FRIENDS"  laugh with you, enjoy with you, but, when you feel isolated, sad, pretty bad, almost your "friends" aren´t there ( with you , advicing  you, trying to make you feel better ) they are with other people making funny things....they don´t care about you!!!
    Its like when someone in your family dies, the 98% of your friends don´t care about your feelings , about your relation ship between you and your relative... just the 2% of your REAL FRIENDS are supporting you, saying that if they can help you with something, that if you need someone to talk with... and that 2% of your friends are almost like your second family , you have to take care about them!!!and they are hard to find!!!