jueves, 17 de marzo de 2011

Dream and Nightmare jobs!!!!

     Well, I am very young to think in jobs, and that stuff, but I have thought that the perfect job is when you feel good doing it , for example if you have a family, or something, you should think or serch  any job that can help you in that situation.
     But there are a lot of exceptions like a garbage recolector because they spend all day long working, and they have to wake up so early =/, also a judge because sometimes you dont know if the person is inocent or guilty
     A good job for me could be a doctor because you can help so many people, but at the same time I dont like it, sometimes you cant help him or her and they die!!!! : (

6 comentarios:

  1. Hi Juan Miguel,

    Thanks for your response. I agree that being a garbage collector must be tough.

    I would like to hear a bit more about what kinds of jobs you WOULD like, or you think are good. You said that a job where you can feel good is a good job... what aspects of a job make a person feel good? What jobs would fit that description, at least in your current imagination (and you're right, you're a bit young to think of jobs, but not THAT young, haha!)?

    So, besides a doctor, which has the drawbacks you mentioned, what else would you consider to be a dream job?

    Thanks, and see you tomorrow,

  2. Hi Juan Miguel...! When I began to study medicine I thought the same of you about kill somebody and I was very scared, but later you realize that the most important is to study not always in the university but also for the rest of your life because there`s a lot of things that you can forget. For example in the university sometimes you don`t receive enought information about what to do in case of emergencies, so you can search for courses and go to conferences to know more about that topics. Then if someone dies you know you did the best for that person because you used the knowledge that you learned.

  3. It is ok that you havent choose a job I dont know if the one I like know I would like it in the future because we change our mind, we discover new things so you dont have to worry.... Great Post !!

  4. Nice comments, Melissa and Felipe.

    So, Juan Miguel, any more thoughts on what jobs you would like?


  5. Well, keep thinking. I'll still be waiting to hear (well, read).

