miércoles, 4 de mayo de 2011

What will my life be like 10 or 15 ...

   Well as I said before I am very young to think in my future but, I think that if I want to succsess I should think what is going to be my carrear and that stuff...also my life.
   Ok, I am 15 plus 10 = 25/30 ...maybe i would be working and enjoying my life because I would be very old   ( hahaha, its no fair i love my 15 :/  )...mmm maybe I would be married but that´s a very important desicion that I have to take also hard because i think that when you get married with someone ,she must be sooo especial for you, i don´t think that i would have children because i think i would be working so hard. But in far future i would like  to have them.
  Talking about the world I think it would be worse because we always create more tecnology that help  and also kill us like bombs, new weapons.....
mmmm i think thats all, and well i know that is the final day, so i  wanna say to everybody of AP4 thanx 4 everything also at u ryan thanx for all ur time to explain us a little bit of english, ur classes r cool, and in AP4 I learned a lot of stuff ( vocabulary, and pronunciation  ..... ) THANX  man , n I hope to have u as a teacher soon LOl..

2 comentarios:

  1. Juan Miguel,

    Thanks for the nice comments! I'm glad you liked the class. If I AM your teacher in the future, though, we'll have to spend a good amount of time working on your spelling! Haha!

    See you tomorrow (or is that "C U 2moro"?),

  2. hahahahahaha xD come on man, i will try to fix it lol
